Tales of Aneria
Tales of Aneria is a YouTube Channel Preston is a partner in its creation. He focused on all things VisDev, marketing and store assets, bumpers, creating the recap videos, as well as role-playing several characters - Victor, Whu Mongus, Tazer Face, Zef the Bastard, and more.
June 21, 2022

Poptart Cat (Nyancat) - Angular Experiments
March 23, 2021

College Ruled Paper - Angular Web
A long time ago I used to work in Angular when it first came out. I really enjoyed creating SPA and this was an exercise in both creating a compelling module, and binding data to and fro. I used SCSS, JavaScript and HTML.
March 23, 2021

Fia Farr - Website
As a proud father, I had the opportunity to help my daughter to create her own website. It was a fun challenge to find a visual style that fit her personality. Creating the brand identity for her online career modeling, acting, and being a YouTube personality. I created the site primarily using the Nuxt.js framework (Vue.js) and some NodeJS for the backend. Deployments are handled via Netlify, using GIT as the SVN.
June 22, 2019

KazBall - Indie Game
Kaz Ball is a fast-paced, 5v5, team space-sport similar to hockey, rugby, or football. The core objective is to grab the ball, and shoot it into your opponent's goal more than they do it to you. I created some UI mockups in Illustrator and Sketch. The intent was to be able to easily re-use assets to reduce game footprint, make it iconic, and easy to import into the Unity 3D project.
June 02, 2018

Bitesize - Mobile App
Once upon a time I worked as a contractor for a company by the name of BITESIZE, LLC. I designed and helped develop their mobile application using Ionic. The mobile application was a lot of fun and was released to the public so all of these screens are public knowledge and I have full permission to use them. Unfortunately they went out of business in 2016.
August 15, 2018

Batdad and Batgirl - Digital Illustration
This was a print commission for my Sister. Her husband and daughter have a special bond through "Batdad." She sent me the idea and I spent the day creating the whole thing in Sketch.
March 23, 2021
LearnSaxophoneOnline - Website
This is a website that I was commissioned to design, and develop for a friend named Jeffrey Cunningham. It is done in WordPress with a little PHP tweaking.
March 23, 2021

Eastland Family Dental - Website
I was commissioned to create a custom website for Eastland Family Dental. We started by using an HTML template, then I chopped it up and made a Custom Template, and Wordpress Plugins using PHP and JetBrains PHPStorm.
March 23, 2021

Ionian Helmet Design - 3D / Illustration
While learning more about 3D Modeling in Maya, I decided to create my own "magic item." This helmet is inspired by Riot Games' League of Legends and the people of Ionia. The idea is that the user could harness their mental prowess to create sound blasting away enemies, or sounding the alarm.
March 23, 2021

RimBlade - Android Game
RimBlade is a fast-paced, top down scrolling shooter created in the early days of Android. I did all the level designs, user interface designs, marketing materials (aside from promo videos), and in-game assets. I also dipped my toe in sound design, and implemented most the user interface designs. This game was created, and released by Gremlin Games on Android and Amazon app stores with over 200k downloads worldwide.
February 18, 2012

Gremlin Games - Website
As the Lead Artist at Gremlin Games, it was my duty to create all the marketing assets and materials. I had the opportunity to design and develop our Website. As my first full-fledged web design I drew heavily from websites I really liked at the time. One strong influence here was by Blizzard Entertainment, as well as Riot Games at the time.
March 23, 2021

Gremlin Games - Business Cards
As the Lead Artist at Gremlin Games, I had the opportunity to work on several identity branding projects. One of those was creating Business Cards. I created a standard size, as well as a slim version in preparation for our first visit to E3 a lifetime ago. I had just discovered QR codes, and that code is a link (now broken) directly to RimSpace on Android.
March 13, 2012

Tactics of War - Indie Game
Tactics of War is a squad based tactical shooter flash game by the indie studio Doby Digital. I (Preston Farr) was leading the visual development, as well as identity design and marketing assets. This was my first foray into flash game design and development.
March 23, 2021

KCGameOn - Identity Design
Kansas City Game On (or KCGameOn and KCGameCon) started out as what me and all my friends used to call the "Cerner LAN." Basically Dennis Avondent, Nick Engstrom and a bunch of other dudes would put on a LAN at the Cerner campus in Kansas City. Over the years it grew and grew, I offered to help out establish branding for KCGameOn. Today - they are the premiere gaming event in Kansas City. Check them out and tell them Preston Farr sent ya.
March 13, 2014
BFA Capstone - Steampunk World War 2
March 23, 2021

Soldiers Requiem - Digital Illustrations
In both High School and College I was really fascinated with World War II (thanks Infinity Ward / Call of Duty!) This was a concept I was trying to convey the feeling of love, and love lost with these two images.
March 23, 2021

Preston Farr Self Portrait - Digital Illustration
March 23, 2021

Robin Hood - BFA Project
March 23, 2021
Of Stone and Steel... Graphic Novel
March 23, 2021

Captain Teemo - Riot Fanart
Riot Games flagship game, League of Legends, has many iconic and fun to play characters. These are a few images I have created as Fanart of the character Teemo.
March 23, 2021

Fireflies - Digital Illustration
During College I took an Illustration class from Wade Huntsman. I learned so much during that time, and for this assignment I decided to try and do my first fully digital illustration with my new Wacom Tablet. That tree design finds its way into a lot of work I do. It was done using Corel Painter. I learned a lot in the few days I worked on this. I keep it because it reminds me of where I came from.
December 17, 2011
ThunderPay Concept - Mobile Prototype
This is a concept application that I worked on for push payments. I designed all the app flows, and implemented a basic iOS (Swift) app to prototype. I am the sole designer and developer on the project, but the rights belong to Payroc LLC. The project was abandoned a few weeks after it started. I have permission from iTransact / Payroc to share the design.
March 23, 2021
The Broken Spear - Motion Graphics
March 23, 2021

Adom (Original Character)
Adom is an original character I created while participating in some Digital Art Tournaments on DeviantArt. He is a being that was created in the singularity where two planets collided.
March 23, 2021

Beowulf Book Cover - Mixed Illustration
March 23, 2021

Sweet Bell Pepper - Oil Paint
This was one of my first attempts trying to use Oil Paints in College during , using a glazing technique. This was where my love for oil paints, and Illustration really took root.
March 23, 2021